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Training done locally by Microsoft Certified Trainer (BA, MA, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, MCT)
Implementing, Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008 Infrastructure
Each module can be taken individually and can be paid for individually.
Each module can be taken individually and can be paid for individually.
Examining Bodies
Microsoft Certification
Click Here to Register Online
Cost per module -MCSA/MCSE/MCTS: $600.00
Cost per Course/Web Page Design: $600.00 (Two modules combined)
Cost per module/Microsoft Office 2010: $300.00
Cost CCNA course: $900.00 (payable in instalments)
Course Material will be provided
Training Location: Welches Heights, St. Thomas
Course Duration (per module/MCSA modules): 40 hours
Course Duration Web Page Design : 40 hours
Course Duration (per module/Software/Hardware Engneering modules): 40 hours
Further course details, including payment registration date will be forwarded to you within one day of your online registration.
Click Here to Register Online
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Trainer: Myrl Whitney, BA, MA, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCT
Microsoft Certified Trainer - Microsoft Server Platforms 2003 & 2008
Credential Status
Courses Certified to Teach
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