Introduction to Programming
Course Outline
Professional Certification Available
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Course Fee
Required Text: Course Manual

Course description: An introduction to the Visual Basic programming environment.
Emphasizes application event driven and structured problem solving and programming
techniques to develop software. Students will design, code, test, and debug several

TEACHING STRUCTURE: The course will incorporate the use of lectures, classroom
discussion, analysis and laboratory assignments.

EVALUATION: ¨ Class Assignments        30% ¨ Project Assignment       20% ¨ Final Examination        50% PREREQUISITE: None COURSE TEXT / MANUAL: INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL BASIC 6.0

Performance Based Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to: · Identify and use Visual Basic standard controls · Define Visual Basic objects · Name control properties and events · Organize and construct a Visual Basic application program · Employ the Visual Basic debug utility · Apply structured design to event driven program design · Design effective user interfaces · Evaluate the advantages of event driven programming · Compare and contrast different control events · Revise existing code for a new purpose · Choose the correct control for a task · Write visual basic programming code Course content: · Event-Driven Programming · Toolbar · Toolbox · Textbox, labels · Command button, picture boxes · Changing the colour of the text · Changing the Font, Fontstyle or Size · Changing the border style, background colour, alignment · Making your first *.exe! · Saving your visual basic project · Syntax · Data types · Variables · Attaching Code To Objects · Developing a programme · MsgBox and InputBox · Branching with If, then, else clause · Constants · Loops · Do While · Do Until · For … Next Control · Totaling and Counting · Option Buttons and Frames · Radio Button · Check Button · Listbox and ComboBox · Data Arrays · Databases · Creating a link between Visual basic application · and an Access database file. · Querying the database · Placing a criteria in the Query statement · Creating menus with the menu editor · Connecting Menus to Event Procedures
Course Fee: $480
(May be paid in 2 installments - $240 per installment)

Persons registering for more than one subject will receive a 10% discount on total cost.

Duration: May 10 - August 9, 2005
