Microsoft Excel Course Outline
Professional Certification Available
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Course Fee
This course is designed to introduce participants through Excel 2000 to vital worksheet skills and data manipulation techniques that will enable them to become a more efficient spreadsheet users. Each student will leaves the course with a thorough understanding of course concepts and be able to transfer those concepts to the work environment. GENERAL OBJECTIVES This course is designed to: 1. Introduce participants to electronic spreadsheet analysis and make them aware of its usefulness. 2. Provide the students with a working knowledge of the industry standard in this type of application. 3. Introduce the students to different ways of processing business data 4. Develop the students' ability to solve problems with the aid of the microcomputer and the appropriate software. 5. Raise the students' awareness of the various ways of managing and presenting data for analysis. BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES After successful completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Build a worksheet a. Access the spreadsheet program b. Describe the components of a spreadsheet c. Navigate through the spreadsheet d. Use the menu system in the spreadsheet e. Enter text and numbers in a worksheet f. Edit text and formulae g. Erase a worksheet or range h. Save and retrieve a file i. Copy a range of data from one part of a worksheet to another 2. Use the worksheet to process data a. Write formulae in cells b. View formulae c. Use functions e.g., (Average, Max, Min, Sum, Count, If, Date, Now, Vlookup, sumif, countif etc.) d. Formatting data (e.g., currency, number format, decimal places etc.) e. relative cell addressing f. Change the worksheet format g. Change column width h. Align labels i. Label new worksheets j. Work between worksheets k. Database filter functions (simple and complex criterion) 3. Print the Worksheet a. Print a range to the printer or a file b. Use print options to print all pages, current page or a range selection 4. Create Graphs a. Define graph settings b. Exploring various types of graphs c. Add graph labels and titles (notes, legends etc.) d. Delete, save and retrieve graphs
Course Fee: $300
(May be paid in 2 installments - $150 per installment)

Persons registering for more than one subject will receive a 10% discount on total cost.

Duration: May 14 - August 13, 2005
