
<select name="catsndogs">

    <optgroup label="Cats">





    <optgroup label="Dogs">

        <option>Grey Wolf</option>

        <option>Red Fox</option>









Normally, when you run an applet, you have several class files, and an html file that calls your main class like this:

<APPLET CODE="MyMainClass.class" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>< /APPLET>





The <colgroup> tag is used to group columns in a table for formatting.

The <colgroup> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row.







<table  border=2>

<th>customer name</th>

<th colspan=3>Contact</th>



<td>Fixed line</td>




















The HTML colgroup tag is used in tables to group columns. This allow author to group columns, define default attributes for them as well as to set a visual format for the table (with "rules" attribute for the HTML table tag).

The number of columns grouped by this element can be set with the "span" attribute.


<table border="1" summary="Example table used to show the use of the HTML colgroup tag.">
<colgroup span="2" style="width: 3.8em">
<colgroup span="4" style="width: 2.28em" align="right">





The HTML iframe tag allow authors to insert a frame inside a document. It works similar to the HTML frame tag but the HTML iframe tag can be inserted in between the document's content.

The HTML iframe tag is inserted inside the text just like a table and is rendered as a window containing the HTML document





 The "align" and "bgcolor" attributes of the table element were deprecated in HTML 4.01







Using external CSS-files it is possible do the same effects as HTML attributes without using any attribute in the body parts of HTML-documents.

When you use external files, give to the file name like basic_stylesheet.css and link it to your HTML-document. Below is an example of the format of the link relation:

<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styleSheetFile.css">


The code must be in the HEAD-part of the document











This attribute have been deprecated

Specifies the horizontal alignment of its element. Possible values are (case-insensitive):


left: Text is aligned to the left margin.

  • center: Text is centered.
  • right: Text is aligned to the right margin.
  • justify: Text is justified to both margins



The <blockquote> tag defines a long quotation.

A browser inserts white space before and after a blockquote element. It also insert margins for the blockquote element.



You can tell if a link is relative if the path isn't a full Website address.


Absolute Path


Relative path









The shape attribute specifies the shape of an area.

The shape attribute is used together with the coords attribute to specify the size, shape, and placement of an area.

Attribute Values




Specifies the entire region


Defines a rectangular region


Defines a circular region


Defines a polygonal region




Doctypes Available in the W3C Recommendations

HTML 4.01 Strict

This DTD contains all HTML elements and attributes, but does not include presentational or deprecated elements (like font). Framesets are not allowed.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

HTML 4.01 Transitional

This DTD contains all HTML elements and attributes, including presentational and deprecated elements (like font). Framesets are not allowed.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

HTML 4.01 Frameset

This DTD is equal to HTML 4.01 Transitional, but allows the use of frameset content.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">






Below is al list of all events available for the HTML 4.01 Standard.

  • onload: The onload event occurs when the user agent finishes loading a window or all frames within a frameset.
  • onunload: The onunload event occurs when the user agent removes a document from a window or frame.
  • onclick: The onclick event is triggered when the mouse button is clicked over the element.
  • ondblclick: The ondblclick event occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element.
  • onmousedown: The onmousedown event is triggered when the mouse button is pressed over the element.
  • onmouseup: The onmouseup event occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element.
  • onmouseover: The onmouseover event is triggered when the mouse is moved onto the element.
  • onmousemove: The onmousemove event occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element.
  • onmouseout: The onmouseout event is triggered when the mouse is moved away from the element.
  • onfocus: The onfocus event occurs when an element receives focus either by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.

onblur: The onblur event is triggered when an element loses focus either by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation

  • onkeypress: The onkeypress event occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element.
  • onkeydown: The onkeydown event is triggered when a key is pressed down over the element.
  • onkeyup: The onkeyup event occurs when a key is released over an element.
  • onsubmit: The onsubmit event is triggered when a form is submitted.
  • onreset: The onreset event occurs when a form is reset.
  • onselect: The onselect event is triggered when a user selects some text in a text field.


onchange: The onchange event occurs when a control loses the input focus and its value has

: The onchange event occurs when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.







RADIO is used to create a series of choices of which only one can be selected. The term "radio button" comes from the buttons for the radio in an automobile, where selecting one radio station automatically de-selects all the others. HTML radio buttons are created by using several <INPUT TYPE=RADIO> buttons, all with the same name, but with different values. For example, this series of buttons allows you to choose one size for a cake:


<FORM ACTION="../cgi-bin/mycgi.pl">

What size cake?<P>














<Applet> tag is used to include Java applets in web pages. Java applets are files with ".class" extension.

Attributes of <applet> tag:

          Code: Used to specify the name of the Java applet file.

          Width: Used to specify the width of the applet.

          Height: Used to specify the height of the applet.


          <applet code="japplet" width=400 height =250></applet>

          This code specifies that the applet to be used is "japplet.class".

          An applet can be customized with parameters. Parameters of an applet let us pass information to the applet. <Param> tag is used to pass parameters to the applet.


          <applet code="japplet" width=400 height =250>

          <param name="label" value="This is a java applet with parameter">









If a frame has visible borders, the user can resize it by dragging the border. To prevent a user from doing this, you can add noresize="noresize" to the <frame> tag.